Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 5

Demoed these guys for the final day of skiing.

Rossignol Super S7. 195 in length and 115 under the boot. Rockered tip and tail for floating pow and a traditional camber for ripping groomers.  Plus a metal core for extra stiffness.  Absolute beasts - my legs were destroyed by the end of the day.

It was going off when we got to Peak Chair this morning. About 8 inches of new snow fell overnight and the visibility was ok, finally some decent conditions for sending cliffs.  Waiting in the first lift line of the day, we saw two people drop Air Jordan, a classic double stager (10 fter followed by a 40fter), and one dude throw a cork 7 off Waterfall, another classic cliff just below Jordan.  

I decided to put my new skis to work on the first run:


This is Waterfall, we estimated 40 ft. I did not stick the landing - both skis went flying on impact.  The crowd in the lift line loved it.

Nate hit a smaller cliff skier's right of Waterfall.

A great day to end a great trip.


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