Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Jdow sent me this last week. Supposedly real formal complaints within RBS:

Stabo wax cag

A nice Barbour alternative from an unknown British brand. Stabo also offers pants made from WWII-era bivouac tents.


Friday, October 21, 2011

This clip is a little long but definitely worth watching if you have the time. Some of the best terrain I've ever seen (Argentina). 5:14 guy goes huge. 11:50 is one of the craziest lines - if he didn't stick the first drop it would have been ugly, and he almost eats it. 12:35 road gap is a must watch too. Enjoy

Monday, October 17, 2011

With Morrison taking it relatively easy the past couple years, had to find a new favorite big mountain skier. Eric Hjorleifson's the guy for sure.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I want these bindings

Markers right?

New trailer

Usually don't like movies with a lot of park and urban but there are a ton of cool shots. That said, kind of getting sick of movies that are basically just trick after trick.  When are they going to learn that it's not about how many sick flips you can put into a movie and more about developing a story? I want to see more interviews with the pros.  I want to hear first hand how scared they are standing above a 120 ft table. I want to see the preparation they put into skiing a ridiculous backcountry line.  That's why Blizzard of Ahhhs stands above the rest - it tells a story.

I'm pretty sure I know why they don't include more interviews with the pros. Just listen to Wallisch in the first clip. They are all idiots.  Plake on the other hand - king of interviews (although sometimes it's tough to take him seriously with the hair).

Monday, July 18, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hit Tuckermans last weekend before officially calling the ski season quits.  This year we decided to go up on a Friday to avoid the crowds, and we were pleasantly surprised to see exactly two people up there when we arrived at the base of the ravine around 10am.  

Eamon post 2 hr hike to the ravine

After a quick snack of tangerines and a block of cheese, I hit the headwall.  There were two existing bootpacks from previous hikers - one up the right side of the headwall with very little exposure to rocks, and one up the Chute, which is on the left side of the headwall and splits two cliffs. My initial plan was to ski the left center of the headwall, so I decided on the Chute route.

Red line is the route up and the green is my intended path down.  Despite being the first one to hike the headwall that morning, the first half up was very mellow and the bootback was ok. Things started to get interesting when I approached the cliff on the left. The bootpack had been in the shadows of the cliff for the majority of the morning so the snow turned rock hard. It was then when I realized why no one else was hiking this early. The top half of the ravine turned out to be a sheet of ice, especially the left side which had less direct sun exposure. Unfortunately it was too steep to put on my skis or turn around - my only option was to continue up the ravine, honestly one of the scariest moments of my life.  One wrong step and I would have slid down the entire slope, and the rock exposure did not boost my confidence.  Hard to get a sense of the pitch from this pic.  This video gives you a better impression:

Not sure when this was taken, but it is directly below the cliff on the left.  Watch about :35 seconds into the video.

Anyways, after many careful and deliberate steps, some where my boots would penetrate the surface by only a couple inches, I made it to the top of the ravine.  Unfortunately my original plan to ski down the left-center of the headwall was out of the picture at this point so I carefully worked my way over to the right side.  Ten big turns on much softer, sun soaked snow later I returned to Eamon sunning himself on the lunch rocks.

Next stop: Maine for the Sugarloaf Reggae Fest.  We passed these guys on the way.  Curious little buggers.

Got in a great day of Spring skiing Saturday and had the chance to bust out the retro Peak 103.7 outfit. Amazingly almost every trail at Sugarloaf was open and the park was pretty baller.

One of the highlights of the weekend was Mighty Mystic's rendition of Night Nurse.  I captured a part of it but the quality is poor (turn the volume way down).

A solid way to wrap up an epic season.  Now it's officially time to put away the boards and take out the sticks. See you on the course.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Eiger speed climb

I'm in the process of putting together a recap of my recent Tucks trip - waiting on pics from my buddy.  I thought it was badass climbing the 50 degree headwall, which was completely iced over, without crampons or axe. Then I watched this video and it put things into perspective.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday morning jam

Someone get me this outfit/teach me these dance moves! Unbelievable how the crowd sits still during this song.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dance lesson

For those who are legitimately interested in learning how to Dougie:

Epic YouTube comment:

"As soon as I saw this video I did two things: (1) I called my lawyer (2) and told him I wanted to get a divorce."

The Masters

A tradition unlike any other. It marks the time of year when I put away the boards and take out the sticks.  Spring is in the air and Talkhouse and Drift are only months away.

My picks this year are all young guns:

Nick Watney - his game is hot this year with 1 win and 5 top tens out of the 6 tournaments he's played in

Hunter Mahan - impressive start to the season with 5 top tens and a 2nd place finish at AT&T Pebble Beach

Anthony Kim - one of my favorite players solely because of his reputation as a ridiculous party animal.  This was actually my bro's pick - he insists he's playing better this year despite only one top ten finish

Dustin Johnson - a class act ever since he was, in my opinion, completely screwed over at the PGA last year when he grounded his club in a hazard on the 18th hole.  If it was actually a hazard, get the damn spectators out of it. When's the last time you've seen patrons standing in a bunker at Augusta? What was most impressive was his on air reaction to the ruling - pure class. And he's dating Natalie Gulbis. Hate to say this but...WINNING.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Hangover 2 trailer

Are you kidding me with this?  What a joke. I'm pretty sure they used the exact same script as the first one and just replaced "Vegas" with "Thailand."  This sequel had such potential but these clowns were too scared to deviate from their little plot line.

I have an idea for Hangover 3.  How about the cast goes to Disney World with their kids, they get really drunk, lose one of their kids, then have to retrace their steps the next day by looking at receipts and shit.

Hangover 4 - the gang goes to Dublin, drinks one too many Guinness, the guy from the Office does something stupid to alter his image in a permanent way, someone gets lost - doesn't matter who - and everyone has to work together mid hangover to find their buddy.

Classic mix up!

PS I'm almost certain this is an April Fools joke. Trailer just hit today. There's no way these idiots are this dumb.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My 2011 Masters pick: Ryo Ishikawa

Ryo Ishikawa just pledged to donate all of his 2011 earnings to the relief effort in Japan. Talk about karma! On top of that, he's donating 100,000 yen ($1200) per birdie. And he's 19.  What a bro.

Here's the story.

Tree well rescue

Sobering stuff


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is why you stay disciplined

and get out when your idea turns on you. If not, profits can turn into losses pretty quickly.

euro spike


And I'm done for the day

Euro continued to weaken this morning, so I loaded up on ERY and DZZ. The euro bottomed out and jumped higher, so I sold my hedges for a quick and decent gain because my initial idea (euro weakness - see earlier post) was no longer tenable.


DZZ (short gold)

ERY (short energy)

Notice as the euro bounced at 10:40, both ETFs dove (indicates a bounce in gold and energy).

Market Wed 3/30

What I'm looking at this morning, if anyone cares:

Futures are up 50 bps - not surprising.  This "teflon market" has been disregarding negative catalysts recently (conflicts in the middle east, global GDP revisions post Japan disaster, Eurozone downgrades) as investors rush to buy the 5% correction.

I've learned to pay attention to fixed income and currencies - these are a fairly good indicators of risk aversion and tend to lead equities intraday. Interestingly treasuries are bid up, which is "risk off."  Also, the dollar is bid up slightly - I look at USD as a safe haven.  With the futures up, I'd expect the opposite in FI and FX land. Thus I'm skeptical of the sustainability of gains today and will not add to positions but will look to hedge my dollar related positions (gold and energy) by trading DZZ and ERY. Shorting this market has proven to be disastrous, so I will do so very carefully and only if the euro breaks down significantly.

The euro has had a ridiculous run lately despite deteriorating conditions in Portugal and Ireland and several downgrades of Eurozone debt. The euro strength is based on Trichet's hawkish statements and expectations ECB will raise rates when they meet on Apr 7. I have a feeling these expectations are overblown and have been looking to short the euro as this crowded trade reverses its course. I like playing EUO (ultra short euro etf) and I've noticed it has been a good hedge to my long positions. I've also noticed the EUO Apr 19 calls are very cheap so I've been loading up at .10. EUO is currently 18.08 so the euro would have to fall about 2.5% by option expiration (Apr 15) for these calls to be in the money. I expect the euro to be volatile after the ECB meets and will get absolutely crushed if they hold rates steady with their easy money policy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dilemma du jour

Last LCD Soundsystem concert ever @ MSG


Uconn vs. Kentucky Final Four game

Sorry hipsters, it's Kemba time

Friday, March 25, 2011

On Duke

Last night was great. Duke gets trounced and Uconn pulls off an impressive win against SDSU.

An amazing email exchange:

From: Taylor, Jennifer
Sent: Friday, April 16, 1999 2:55 PM
To: Brand, Elton
Subject: Leaving Duke

I graduated from Duke last May and just wanted to express my disgust for your decision to leave the Duke program after only two years. As an alum, not only do I hold the school in high regard, but the basketball program as well, especially since both have deservedly garnered such a great deal of respect for their accomplishments.

As part of our basketball program, you represent Duke as a whole. We are first and foremost an academic school, you clearly did not belong at Duke in the first place if this was the extent of your commitment to Duke and a college education in general. You have not only insulted the current students who are putting in four years at a school they love, but also the thousands of alumni who have realized the value of a Duke education and what an honor and privilege it was to be there for four years.

If you do not realize the opportunity you has infront of you to play for Coach K and at the same time attain a Duke diploma, then that is certainly your loss. I just wish that you has spared us the notion that you were continuing in the tradition of being a Duke student-athlete, in emphasizing excellence in both academics and athletics. You will not be considered part of the Duke family, in my mind as well as many others. You have by no means proved yourself worthy of that title.

Jennifer Taylor

From: Elton Tyron Brand
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 1999 8:05 PM
To: Taylor, Jennifer
Subject: Re: Leaving Duke

Thank you very much, for reminding me of the reason why I left Duke. People like you can not and will not ever understand my situation. I'm sure daddy worked very hard to send your rich self to college. While real people struggle. I would also like to extend an invitation for you not to waste your or my time ever again. Never being considered a part of your posh group of yuppies really hurts me to the heart. Yeah, right. Because I don't care about you or your alumni.

Sincerely, Elton Brand #42 NBA

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How to get drunk in Murray Hill for $20

An appropriate question for 7:45 AM.  Of course you could chug a bottle of Svedka but how about a little class?

Introducing El Rio Grande on 38th and 3rd.  I feel like this place gets no credit.  I mean there's not even any good pictures on Google images. I'll admit I haven't been back since I found out they removed the massive stuffed buffalo hanging over the bar.  But as the weather gets nicer, I start thinking about enjoying libations outside, and I'm reminded of its massive courtyard, always packed during happy hour, and of course its infamous margaritas.

When I first ordered one, my impression was it was the worst deal in the city. Ten bucks for a drink served in one of those mini plastic dixie cups?  Give me a break.  So I ordered two.  Then I blacked out.  See ya later.

No one knows for sure, but the rumor is they use Everclear instead of tequila. Don't ask the bartenders, they get pissed.

Disclaimer: if you try one of these, make sure to do so after, not before, dinner.

Bonus: go on a Tuesday.  That way you can hop across the street for $1 beers at Third and Long.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bierhaus review

On Saturday I stopped by the newly opened Bierhaus for a few mid-afternoon liters.  Despite its weak location (3rd and 45th), this place has a lot to offer: 

5 varieties of Hofbrau - didn't even know 5 varieties existed. The Original Lager, Hefe Weizen, Dunkel (my all time favorite brew), Dunkel Weizen (on the list for next visit), and Bock
A large open space with a dozen or so communal picnic tables in the traditional fashion of Munich's Hofbrahaus. Also a massive skylight in the center to provide a bright atmosphere

There's also a big deck which overlooks 3rd ave, an ideal spot on nice days
Place was packed at around 3pm but the liters were kind of pricey at $16 each. I'm thinking this place suits large groups - the communal tables can get fun and rowdy.  But if you're looking for a spot with a less mid-towny feel, I'd stick to Zum Schneider on C and 7th.  Liters run $10-14 and the food is absolutely amazing.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Buckle up

The most insane ski comp I've ever seen. Watch 21 yr old Pettit stomp a 3 over a 70 footer, and Treadway lay out a backflip over an 80 footer.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ana Tijoux is legit

First heard her on Aurgasm. This is what they have to say:

There’s a surprising gap between MTV mainstream hip-hop and the uber-coolness of what’s actually happening to the music nowadays. Unknown to the mainstream audiences, French-born Chilean MC Ana Tijoux may very well be that elusive next best thing in hip-hop music. Ana’s album 1977 pays tribute to the old-school hip-hop, mixing organic vinyl scratches, urban grooves, jazzy horn samples and Latin sounds. Ana’s voice is velvety and smoky, some times whispery, yet always seamlessly flowing with the the beats. One song standing out is the largely autobiographical title track “1977″ with its strong melody, Mexican trumpets, dynamic rhythms and truly excellent production.

Irish sausages

St. Patrick's day may be the most annoying holiday in the city.  More jabronis come out of the woodwork (aka Dirty Jerz) today than Santacon.

The only redeeming aspect is Irish sausages.  If you've never had these, I advise you to visit Myers of Keswick (Hudson bw Horatio and Jane) immediately if not sooner and pick some up.  They will blow your mind. Treat yourself to a pack of Fruit Pastilles while you're at it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gordon Lightfoot

This past weekend my brother introduced me to Lightfoot.  I'll be honest, at first I wasn't sold. But as I listened, the lyrics resonated and pretty soon I couldn't get the hetty tune out of my head. I especially like this line:

Sometimes I think it's a shame
When I get feeling better when I'm feeling no pain.

Comment from YouTube sums it up:

This is what happens when you get 1 good song writer with 3 acoustic guitars and no GD Simon Cowell involved. You tell a story and make music. And it's good, not pablum.

Definitely going to check out more of this Canuck's stuff.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

If you have 15 minutes today

watch this:

Japan Through Five Eyes 

A short film about skiing Hokkaido and HakubaGreat editing and music.  Usually not a big fan of POVs but 8:11 is a great shot.

Visit their blog here.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

SAT analogy of the day

Chad's Gap : Tanner Hall :: Kemba Walker : Gary McGhee

I've never had a bloomin' onion

I was just on Deadspin and saw this:

Are they as good as everyone says?  I'd never even heard of such a thing till Jdow started raving about it.  Outback tonight anyone?

This reminds me, one of these weekends we need to set aside a day dedicated to a part of the city which eludes most of its inhabitants. I'm talking about a day of B&T griminess. I've been hitting the East Village and LES so often I think it's time to change it up. Obviously we start in Times Square:

- Lunch at TGIFs
- Afternoon @ Dave & Busters
- Drinks @ ESPN Zone
- Dinner @ Bubba Gump Shrimp

After dinner we head East and hit Murray Hill bars: Tonic, Joshua Tree, and Arctica.  Strict dress code of dark dress shirts or graphic tees, preferably Ed Hardy. Blow outs/sunglasses worn to bars is a plus.

The Art of Flight

Based on this trailer, might just be the first snowboard movie I watch.


Wake up to:

HST, Cusack, Depp, and a blow up doll


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A little less lax, a lot more business

I was on the precipice of becoming a ski bum a couple days ago.  Returning to New York I realized I needed to revamp my image.  The flow, while acceptable in places like Whistler, just doesn't cut it in the city. Also, I didn't want my brand new nephew Oliver Parker Powell to get the wrong impression when I meet him for the first time this weekend.

Say good bye to the flow

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 5

Demoed these guys for the final day of skiing.

Rossignol Super S7. 195 in length and 115 under the boot. Rockered tip and tail for floating pow and a traditional camber for ripping groomers.  Plus a metal core for extra stiffness.  Absolute beasts - my legs were destroyed by the end of the day.

It was going off when we got to Peak Chair this morning. About 8 inches of new snow fell overnight and the visibility was ok, finally some decent conditions for sending cliffs.  Waiting in the first lift line of the day, we saw two people drop Air Jordan, a classic double stager (10 fter followed by a 40fter), and one dude throw a cork 7 off Waterfall, another classic cliff just below Jordan.  

I decided to put my new skis to work on the first run:


This is Waterfall, we estimated 40 ft. I did not stick the landing - both skis went flying on impact.  The crowd in the lift line loved it.

Nate hit a smaller cliff skier's right of Waterfall.

A great day to end a great trip.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 4

Still dumping and no wind.  We hit Spanky's first thing. 

First lap was Ruby Bowl - best run of the trip.  A day's worth of snow on the best terrain Blackcomb has to offer. 


The sun broke out for our second lap down Sapphire Bowl providing excellent visibility.

Nate hiking for turns on top of Blackcomb glacier

Resting before the traverse out of the glacier.

Day off today. Forecast for tomorrow is clear skies - looking forward to some views.  A week of snow is nice but the flat light is getting annoying.

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